June 21, 2012

Drugs, drugs, drugs. Oh my goodness, all the drugs.

The first time around, I was prescribed all kinds of antibiotics along with other symptom-management drugs, but things have changed in the research and treatment of Lyme and its co-infections (which is a whole new chapter in the nightmare series on tick-borne illness.)  

So today, my current regime is antibiotics, anti-parasitics, anti-malarial drugs, Vitamin D (a hormone, not a vitamin) teasel root tincture, and other symptom management drugs.  It's a bit staggering and my deep hope is that I'm making the right choices for this time in my healing process. 

I continue to research alternative therapies and am consulting lots of people about my options.  There is no consensus out there and what works for one person, doesn't always work for another.  It's a big guessing game.

A couple of noteworthy items have come my way in the last couple of days: RIFE machines and this very weird article about a special tick-borne disease in central Virginia causing beef allergies. (Yes, those new chapters in the nightmare series are rolling in at an alarming rate!)

About RIFE machines - I don't know anything about healing with frequencies, but it sure makes sense to me and lots of chronic Lyme sufferers are finding relief.  I'll do more investigation and see where to find a good machine for a reasonable price.  Here's a link about this groovy technology (and seems to be real good news for cancer patients, too.)  


About beef allergies!  Yes, a rise in beef allergies in central Virginia have been connected to the bite of a Lone Star Tick!  This is just weird!  I am primarily a vegetarian.  I eat fish and chicken from time to time, and usually about twice a year, I crave beef and will eat it. Both of the times in 2008 that I had beef, I broke out in hives.  The first time was a mild-ish case that a couple of benedryl knocked out. (I attributed the hives to stress because I was in transit to Diana's Grove for a 4-month internship and was embarking on a huge adventure.) The second time, we almost made a trip to the ER (in hindsight, I really should have gone to the hospital.  My eyes were swollen shut and I had a hard time breathing.)  I remember hearing of at least 2 other local people that had the same thing happen: never had a food allergy and suddenly allergic to beef. I assumed it was something being done to the cattle, or meat processing, or an allergy to the antibiotics given to the cows, etc.  Well, mystery solved!!  I came across this yesterday.  What a trip.  ABC has more articles on their website.  


Days later, an update...

I spoke to someone in my doctor's office yesterday. I had left a message regarding the effects of the drugs and asking if I should continue to take them and push through it or stop some of them. She talked with the doctor and he said that my intense reaction to the anti-malarial drugs was quite common (I'm still not clear if it was causing a herx, but she implied this was the case) - and - to stop taking it. Let me tell you, I felt GREAT yesterday (of course, I mean that comparatively.) The couch and I hardly saw each other. That makes me smile. I've never enjoyed house work so much! It's a joyous feeling to have the energy and freedom from debilitating pain. Oh, the things that can change my perspective...

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