June 21, 2013

More ER visits - what a bummer

(I saw this t-shirt on Etsy some months back and loved it!)

Back to the hospital, jiggity jig. This is getting ridiculous. I've about had it with trips to the ER in excruciating pain and uncontrollable vomiting. Fortunately, I have a phone date with my ND tomorrow and see the new Lyme doc on Monday. It seems I won't be able to avoid the Gastroenterologist, as much as I'd like to skip that entirely. At this point, I'm up to 4 ER visits in the last 10 months and I'd like to be done with that now. Hyperventilating from pain exacerbates pain. That's just wrong. Right?

I'm still unable to take the "anti" drugs; my pain and fatigue levels are still rising. I'm finally scared, really scared about what comes next. I'm still losing weight and struggling with appetite loss, nausea and gastrointestinal distress in new ways. I'm exhausted. Lying in bed yesterday, I wondered if I might die from this. I hadn't really thought about that before.

I sincerely want to thank all of my cheerleaders, because without you I'm afraid I would be consumed with despair. Somehow, with you all pulling for me, it gives me courage to take another step, try another cure, search for better help, and stick with the healing process.

I've been in contact with the woman who has the RIFE machines and she's still willing to let me try it out, so I'll make a date with her as soon as I physically can. I hope this helps. I'm not sure I can stand another disappointment right now. 

Thank you to my fundraising team (I can't believe you peeps!!) Thank you to my SiStars and spiritual family who keep my healing grotto full of pure, clear, healing, magical waters. Thank you to my healthcare team for all the steps you've taken outside of normal and for listening to me. I can't imagine what it would be like to have my reality denied like so many others who suffer from this disease. 

As long as I can count, I'll count my blessings. Gratitude and love are amazing forces that I want on my side, so I shall pour them out and let them gush from me to heal that which is around me. For I know the great mystery. 

Now, to take a lesson from my cat and try to relax...


  1. Holding you in the light, Willow! All your HUU friends will be sending you healing energy tomorrow morning... about 10:45 a.m. Be ready!!
