August 13, 2012

Medication frustration takes another wicked turn

Yesterday was a pretty awful day largely spent writhing in pain in the emergency room of the same hospital my dad died in one month ago.  The various medications I take for these TBDs have chronically been hard and problematic on my body, but this experience was completely over the top.  I had massive abdominal pain, vomiting, sweating/freezing, numb extremities, plummeting blood pressure, couldn't walk, and thought I might be having a stroke or heart attack. I couldn't write and could barely speak. It was a very scary and wildly painful day that has seriously motivated me to start trying alternative therapies, and soon!  I haven't been able to take my meds for 2 days now and I wonder what the fallout of that will be, if any.  Messing around with infections and antibiotics is scary stuff.  After all, I don't want to be responsible for just killing off the weak ones, thereby strengthening the whole colony.  Eiu!!  

And just to keep things interesting, I'm on the road for another 3 weeks.  I'll keep my fingers crossed that yesterday's episode wasn't a harbinger of such things and that my ID doctor calls me back today with some advice about what to do.  I feel vulnerable, frustrated and a bit scared, wondering what's next.

1 comment:

  1. Oh that must have been awful! I can only imagine. Here's to the non-harbingintiy of yesterday and to your doctor calling you with cogent advice.
