August 6, 2013

30 Seconds = 3 days? Are you kidding me?

Well in case you've been wondering how Rife date #5 went, let's just say it's taken me a week to be able to get to the point of telling you how it went. Sigh... Oh, wait!  I mean *happy dance*! 

You know that pattern I mentioned a couple of posts ago? Well, I blew it. There's an old saying "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." I think the 3:33 timing of the previous couple of dates was the sweet spot, so to speak. It was enough to herx, but not herx-like-I-want-to-die herx. That has been the aim according to my MD and ND - treat just below that line of the awful herxheimers. 

I'm not sure why I felt the need to add 30 seconds on that last trip. I guess partly because my ND wants me doing something like 7 minutes a day, and partly because I'm fiercely determined and partly because I didn't think it would make that much of a difference. Wow, was I ever wrong and I have such regrets about making that decision. Mostly because I missed out on a Lammas ritual that I was really looking forward to on Saturday night. I had thought: tired Wednesday, icky on Thursday and Friday, energy rush and good to go on Saturday. But those 30 seconds cost me 3 days of activity and I'm still paying for it in the pain department with these weird, breath-taking, shooting pains in my fingers, toes, head and hips and the RLS (restless leg syndrome) has brought me to the verge of tears a few nights.

That treatment was last Wednesday. Today is Tuesday and I'm just now getting the energy rush I expected. My next Rife date is tomorrow and I'll be dropping back down to 3:33. I still have not been able to increase the A-Bart, but I'm OK with that. 4 drops a day is A-OK. I'm thoroughly exfrighted - I'm ordering my Rife machine today. I have raised some money on the GoFundMe website and my mom mailed a check to me to reimburse me for travel expenses. The combo is about $100 more than the machine, so I'm doing it!! I can't believe it. Surreal. Exciting. My next appointment with my ND is on the 12th and my MD, not until September. Although I'm impatient and want to get on with it, at least I can actually DO something with the Rife while I await my next appointment. Sweet.

And finally, now I'm curious why Latvia is taking the lead in my blog readers this week. If anyone from Latvia is willing to post a comment, please do. Let me know what is happening in the culture of TBDs and the medical scene where you are.

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